We have committed to serving people in times of crisis, support livelihoods, and work on the grounds of community development. The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in enormous health destruction across the world. The World Health Organization reports that “masks” and “sanitizers” should be used as part of a comprehensive strategy of measures to suppress transmission and save lives; the use of a mask alone is not sufficient to provide an adequate level of protection against COVID-19. The WHO addresses the situation and announces if COVID-19 is spreading in your community, stay safe by taking some simple precautions, such as physical distancing, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well ventilated, avoiding crowds, cleaning your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue. 

Wearing a mask around other people and maintaining social distance is the new normal that should be accessible to all.

SIF commits to support Covid-19 management in India

Sunyatee International Foundation’s donation drive lasted from 5th July 2021 to 10th July 2021 across Hyderabad, Siddipet, and Pune, Maharashtra.

We planned to accommodate face masks and sanitizer bottles in a mini kit for distribution. We have targeted to distribute 200 mini kits across Hyderabad and Siddipet in Telangana and 100 mini kits in Pune, Maharashtra. This drive was sponsored by a philanthropist couple Arun and Shashi of Toronto, Canada. We aspire to help and support the humanitarians as much as possible for the world to be a better place. Our foundation strengthens systems to fight malnutrition and feed children without family, and children with disabilities. We also aim to end hunger everywhere, and not only on the frontlines of an emergency.

SIF has started this work due to the generosity of Mr. Arun and Mrs. Shashi, the people, particularly, our founder who contributes majorly to such initiatives. Organizations from Malaysia and the USA are keen to provide help and have made commitments.

We are determined to reach out to as many people as possible and support humanity. We stretch our reach to foster social development and support women in society leading to their self-sufficiency and empowerment. We assert to continue such donation drives in our community and strive for peace and prosperity in the world.

We also thank Arun and Shashi for the generous gift to SIF. We are excited to have your support in the future as well. Through your donation, we have been able to accomplish our donation program and continue working towards social wellness and protection.