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Farmer Development

Farmer- Being A Farmer Means Shaking Hands With nature

Do you know how to prepare the soil for planting?

Healthy soil is the first step toward a successful crop. Knowing what nutrients a soil requires will help you make informed decisions about fertilizer and crop protection. Soil samples are an excellent resource for determining any potential restrictions or advantages.

Ensure the soil is ready before accessing the field if fall cover crops were planted or spring tillage is planned. Avoid working wet soil and investigate alternatives to heavy machinery to reduce soil compaction.

Checking seed’s is a genetic potential. Many elements must be addressed to ensure that the right plan is in place, including the sort of seeds, fertilizer, and crop protection products to employ. Developing a practical fertilization approach can assist seeds in reaching their maximum potential. Seeds can achieve maturity in the proper amount of time before the planned harvest dates if a suitable method is used. It can also make sure that essential nutrients are present in the soil.

Review the test findings of soil samples taken during soil preparation to determine what procedures need to be performed to ensure the right level of macro-and micronutrients. Depending on those testing results, a starting fertilizer treatment in the furrow may be required.

Before planting and fertilizing the region, a farmer should inspect all spring equipment. Microtubes, splitters, and pumps on all fertilizer equipment should be checked. Make sure all of the equipment is clean and clear of old residue. A clogged or filthy nozzle can cause uneven or inappropriate product distribution.

It’s also a good idea to inspect the planter to make sure all of the pieces are working correctly and replace any damaged ones. Ensure that planter attachments, such as in-furrow fertilizer equipment, are clean and in good operating order.

SIF- Farming Development Program

To support the farmers, SIF organized a Noni Project Plantation. SIF selects the village’s farmers (Mandapalle of Siddipet District, Telangana) State who has a minimum land of 1 acre. First of all, our agronomist checks the soil quality and then publishes the Noni seeds to farmers to cultivate. SIF agreed with farmers to use the land that has been surveyed and approved by the buyer to grow Noni for the duration of this agreement.

The farmer should follow all technical recommendations made by the experts about planting, irrigating, weeding, fertilizing, controlling pests and diseases, picking, sorting and packing Noni. And these Noni fruits are checked under the agronomist.

SIF started the program to develop farming techniques and help the farmers in the agriculture sector. To conclude this, SIF began the program to encourage and bring a strong confidence level between farmers. Rather than growing crops, the ultimate goal of farming is to cultivate and improve human beings. It feels good at the end of the day to know that you have created a product that other people will enjoy.

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